Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Winter Wonderland

What a wonderful way to wake up. We have been watching the weather and anticipating this "storm" all week. It is amazing to think that we were at the beach last weekend and now we are making snowballs!
This may not happen for another 30 years so we are reveling in the magic of it all. 

"Honey Bunny, you have to stay inside."

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Somewhere Over The Rainbow

Dreams really do come true. 

We had another great time at Pajaro this year! 
We are so fortunate to live only an hour away for our annual family vacation. 
We are even more fortunate to have such an amazing family. BIG KISSES to you all!!!

Auntie Sue and Uncle Steve acting out The Musicians of Bremen

Uncle Dave reading another story and another and another

Game Night

A little more light for more reading

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What is Fast Food?

I had a great conversation with my cousin Sue at the beach this weekend and we came up with a great idea. She is a nutritionist for families that are battling Type 2 diabetes that really need help making nutritious, simple, affordable meals at home (instead of getting supper at McDonald's. I hope everyone has seen Food Inc. and the amazing work by Jamie Oliver and the effects that typical fast food is having on our children.)

So I am going to try to help. I am creating a label called "Fast Food" that will include posts of meals that I make (or links to other sources) so that we can spread that word that it IS possible to feed your family delicious, nutritious, affordable, quick and easy meals.

Along with recipes we will have a price breakdown, maybe a shopping list from where we bought it and a nutritional analysis (by Sue if she is reading and willing :-)

Want to help?

I need guest bloggers with recipes that are:
1. family friendly
2. affordable (which means different things for different people-farmer's market, bulk at Whole Foods, WalMart-they all need to have healthy, affordable options)
3. quick and easy to make (community cooking, slow cookers for working moms, batch cooking, microwave)

Let's redefine FAST FOOD!!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

On Our Bookshelf :: Raising Happiness

Paperback copies of this FABULOUS book are on pre-order now! Order from this link and proceeds go to help the Greater Good Science Center.

I highly recommend this book and Christine is going to be the keynote speaker at the Mother's Symposium as well.

Here are her book's ten simple steps for more joyful kids and happier parents:

Step 1, Put on your own oxygen mask first -- 
Step 2, Build a village -- 
Step 3, Expect effort and enjoyment, not perfection -- 
Step 4, Choose gratitude, forgiveness, and optimism -- 
Step 5, Raise their emotional intelligence -- 
Step 6, Form happiness habits -- 
Step 7, Teach self-discipline -- 
Step 8, Enjoy the present moment -- 
Step 9, Rig their environment for happiness -- 
Step 10, Eat dinner together.

I also recommend taking a look at her BLOG

Take a look at this video clip on happiness and gratitude
How Can YOU Teach Gratefulness?
Keep a gratitude journal (e.g gratitude at the dinner table)
Slow Down and Smell the Roses: Savor the positive (e.g. three good things at bedtime)
Write Gratitude Letters (teachers, family for things they did, not things they gave) 
Have a Growth Mindset (you tried really hard) vs Fixed Mindset (you're smart) 

and  her post about Amy Chua's article Tiger Mother

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Five Months :: A Little Fairy

Happy birthday my angel.


Rain or Shine

The week in review....

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Today's Bouquet

Thank you honey for the lovely bouquet. 
My favorite roses, just like our first date. and just like our wedding day! 

And I love that they are sitting next to Silly Strawberry toothpaste!

We had a lovely Valentine's supper at home last night. Better than any restaurant because the girls were with us. We had chicken poached in peach salsa, quinoa and "I love you" salad (see below) with chocolate lava cake and Veuve Clicqout Rose. This was our first time having champagne with Gracie so she had pomegranate juice in a flute as well. It was so fun toasting our love for each other. 

I Love You salad:
farmer's market greens
artichoke hearts
hearts of palm
cilantro dressing