Friday, March 16, 2012

Irish Soda Bread and Homemade Butter

We made Irish soda bread and homemade butter (and buttermilk!) to celebrate the holiday and our Irish roots. Even though it is a small percentage of our heritage, Ryan is so proud when he grows a beard that it is so red.
Basically, it is any soda bread recipe with a handfull of oats and raisins and a tablespoon of caraway seeds thrown in. To make the handmade butter, pour chilled cream (the good stuff, organic/heavy)
into a jar and shake it until it becomes whipped cream (at which point you can pour a little into a bowl for the kiddos to dip their fingers in) Keep shaking the rest until it seperates into butter and buttermilk.
Chill the butter to spread onto your soda bread and drink the buttermilk immediately as it is so delicious!!!

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