Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Perfect Storm

I just read a great post on simple mom about how to bring peace to the witching hour.

I remember having this witching hour during Gracie's colicky newborn phase but we don't have much of one now. She has, however, been having a hard time over the past couple of weeks, possibly in anticipation of the new sibling.

Maybe she is sensing my anxiety. Maybe it is because our schedule has been different. Maybe she is just as nervous as the rest of us are. We were able to press the "reset" button today and things feel a little bit more normal.

This lovely quote from the simple mom post really resonated with me and I hope that I can do a better job bringing peace into her new role as a big sister.

"Though it’s not easy, I have a responsibility each day to draw them close and show them that they can trust me to be calm in the midst of their storms."

1 comment:

  1. Good article, and I agree about sensory play in the late afternoons. We use that time as our arts and crafts time at the table each day, and about half the time we end up spending an hour doing playdoh. It's fun and surprisingly relaxing!
